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Don't Overlook The Solar Eclipse 2023

Three stages of a solar eclipse 2023

The celestial objects in our solar system constantly hurtle along at thousands of miles per second. Every so often, they align just right from our vantage point on earth, and they look like they are converging into one. To astronomy enthusiasts, scientists, and even the average Joe, it’s downright magical.

The glorious phenomena that is an annular eclipse is not just amazing to look at: it gives you a sense of where we are in the universe. At this scale, you can realize just how small and fragile our life on earth is compared to the giant, burning sun and the cool, barren moon. An annular eclipse like the one coming up in 2023 is something everyone should try to see at least once in their lives, and in this tumultuous 2020, it’s great to have something to look forward to.

The next annular solar eclipse is on October 14, 2023. Here, we’ll outline the basics of the annular eclipse 2023 and how to view it safely.

What is an Annular Solar Eclipse?

Eclipses are more interesting when you understand exactly what you’re observing. In an annular eclipse, the moon crosses in front of the sun, but it does not totally obscure the sun as it would in a total eclipse. Instead, there is a bright ring of sunlight surrounding the moon during an annular eclipse, known as the “ring of fire”.

To learn more about annular eclipses, read our article “What is an Annular Eclipse?”

Where Can I See It? The Path of the Annular Eclipse 2023

If you’re in the western United States or certain parts of Central and South America, you may be in luck. Here is the path of the solar eclipse 2023, courtesy of Jay Anderson and Xavier Jubier:

Hybrid Solar Eclipse 2023 Cloud Map

The label “GE” stands for the Greatest Eclipse, which is “the instant when the axis of the Moon's shadow cone passes closest to Earth's center.” The label “GD” stands for Greatest Duration, which is the longest period of time the eclipse will occur, in this case approximately five minutes. The Greatest Duration will occur in Panama, southwest of Panama City.

NASA’s website also includes this tidbit of advice for would-be eclipse chasers:

“Good weather is the key to successful eclipse viewing - better to see a shorter eclipse from clear sky than a longer eclipse under clouds.”

So, if you can manage it, head to one of the places within the path to see the solar eclipse in 2023 and check the weather ahead of time to avoid a cloudy night.

How Can I View The Solar Eclipse Safely?

As you probably already know, it’s dangerous to look directly into the sun, and it can be equally dangerous to look directly at a solar eclipse. You can view totality without safety gear; but because an annular eclipse doesn’t have totality, you’ll want to have glasses and solar viewing safety devices for the entire event. This may seem counterintuitive—the sun is partially blackened, after all—but there is more to this than meets the eye.

During an annular eclipse in 2023, because the sun isn’t fully covered, solar eclipse safety viewers are a perfect protective addition to the party!  These special lenses are thousands of times darker than normal sunglasses to block out UV rays and most visible light. 

Rainbow Symphony sells the ideal eclipse shades and glasses you'll need for the event. We go a step further and add extra safety and comfort features such as scratch resistance and ISO certification. For a safe and amazing viewing experience, check out all the types of eclipse shades in our shop

Start Preparing for the Annular Eclipse 2023

Good campsites and high-quality eclipse glasses become hot commodities in the days and weeks leading up to the solar eclipse. You’ll have the best viewing experience by planning far ahead.

Don’t miss out on a rare annular solar eclipse by not having the right booking or equipment! Browse our site to find specialty eclipse glasses and viewers. Contact us for any questions you may have by phone at 818-708-8400 or by email at support@rainbowsymphony.com.

A Rainbow Symphony Infographic on the 2023 eclipse path.

Solar radiation during eclipses or solar events must be shielded by eclipse glasses that are trusted by the AAS and NASA.  Our eclipse glasses meet the standard for ISO 12312-2:2015. These Rainbow Symphony glasses are "CE" Certified.  They meet the transmission requirements for scale 12-16 of EN 169/1992 for safe direct solar viewing. Our entire inventory of eclipse sunglasses meet the 2012 Transmission Requirements of EN 1836:2005 and AS/NZS 1338.1:1992 for eclipse filters (Queensland Directive).

Rainbow Symphony’s specialty solar viewers lenses are made of scratch-resistant materials that feature grade-five optical density. Hence, you will get absolute protection from harmful exposure to solar radiation. The “Black Polymer” acts as a filter to block out 100% of ultraviolet light, infrared light, and 99.999% of intense visible light. The premium filters produce an orange-tinted image of the sun that is easier to see, as well as sharper with no visual distortion.